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How To Rid Of Stretch Marks

Stretch marks can appear on many areas of your body for different reasons including pregnancy, obesity, sudden growth spurts, or heredity. They can appear on your stomach, under arms, chest, upper thighs, waist and butt. So how do you get rid of stretch marks? There are many ways to get stretch marks to fade almost completely, but if you already have stretch marks it is very hard to completely eliminate them unless you have laser surgery

Before you start spending loads of money on different creams or surgeries, there are a few simple techniques you can try on your own at home. If your stretch marks are not too severe or aged, you can try taking a body brush and scrubbing the affected areas while in the shower. This loosens up the skin, and removes the dead skin on top, leaving fresh, more normal colored skin underneath.

There are many over the counter creams and oils that you may try which can, in some cases reduce the overall appearance of your stretch marks. However, if you are pregnant you may wish to consult your doctor first before using any of those creams for your stretch marks.

Another option is to visit a dermatologist and get various prescribed creams such as Retin-A. Various experiments on use of this cream have shown a considerable decrease in stretch mark size. This medication is not recommended for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, because the effects it may have on your baby are unknown.

Laser surgery is the most permanent, successful way to get rid of stretch marks. The color of the stretch mark determines the type of laser that it used. Another, more recent kind of laser surgery can actually make your skin, and stretch marks, more flexible. The good thing about these surgeries is that they are fairly, if not completely painless. Unfortunately, many insurance plans don’t cover these surgeries as they are considered cosmetic surgeries. This means a very large investment out of your own pocket, which is definitely something to consider before using laser surgery to get rid of your stretch marks.

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