All parents hope for newborn children without visible imperfections. Nevertheless, some are born with or develop birthmarks soon after birth. These surface marks or abnormalities are commonly referred to as birthmarks.

Among such birthmarks is the hemangioma. The hemangioma is characterized as a usually red mark on the skin consisting of small blood vessels that are bunched together in a given area. Hemangioma’s may occur in various locations on the body as well as in various sizes and quantities. Although hemangioma’s may be concealed by hair, or involve body parts that are ordinarily covered with clothes, they are sometimes obvious, such as those on the face.

Not everyone is bothered by their birthmark’s. And although benign and perfectly normal, for some people, these marks can cause disruptions in their day-to-day lives and/or dramatically affect their self esteem. When this becomes an issue, it is advisable that the patient seek out and consider their treatment options.


There are various types of birthmarks and various reasons one might develop: A birthmark can occur from a defect in the epidermis, vessels, lymphatics, nerves or any of the appendages of the skin. There are many types of hemangiomas – the port wine stain, strawberry hemangioma and cavernous hemangiomas are the most common.

Not all birth marks are treatable via laser treatments. In order for your Skin Expert to establish whether you are a good candidate for this procedure, we advise that you book a complimentary consultation to discuss and make an informed decision. Certain birthmarks require a visit to a Dermatologist and/or dermatology clinic for surgical removal.

It is important that birthmarks be examined by physicians who have expertise in hemangioma therapy so that a correct diagnosis and a decision about whether or not treatment is needed can be made early. Some hemangiomas mare best treated shortly after birth and others are best left alone. Port wine hemangiomas and some visible capillary (strawberry) hemangiomas are best treated by laser.